Proyecto de poesía sonora. Seis audios recorren el camino de la búsqueda mística hacia el Amor Ardiente. Año 2019.
"Cuando en el año 2002 comencé a grabar mezclando la música de grandes artistas y poniendo mi propia voz en la lectura de mi poesía, no entendía muy bien el origen de aquellas letras desgarradas. Sabía que todo mi quehacer poético estaba impregnado de una profunda búsqueda existencial y amorosa, pero también intuía que no estaba dirigida a un hombre concreto: sabía que iba más allá.
Desde mis primeros recuerdos tuve la percepción del mundo no aparente, el mundo espiritual. Un mundo real que subyacía detrás de lo visible, de lo audible, de lo asequible. Y que, sin embargo, me sentía impulsada con fragor a penetrarlo.
Mi ideología es vasta y multicompuesta. Su crisol impregnó mis memorias y finalmente, a cristalizado en una concepción que aboga por explorar nuestro entendimiento y encontrar el punto de encuentro entre las diversas creencias filosóficas, religiosas y teológicas que son honestas. En expandir la conciencia ante la urgencia de retomar LA BÚSQUEDA PERSONAL y recorrer su camino, para comprender el fundamento existencial del hombre moderno. Del hombre de todas las historias de la historia humana, y social.
Para reconciliarlo consigo mismo.
Con ese Dios que le habita: empapado de memorias individuales y colectivas milenarias, este ser nuestro, que somos todos y cada uno, vive fragmentado y desgarrado... intuye su pequeñez y muere de sed, calcinado por una ardiente sed de aguas vivas. Realmente vivas.

When I started recording in 2002, mixing the music of great artists with my own poetry read in my own voice, I didn't quite understand the origin of those heart-rending words. I knew that all my poetic work was overflowing with a deep existential and loving pursuit, but I also sensed that it was not meant towards a specific being, a being who, known or not, was incarnate. I knew it went beyond that.
Ever since I can remember I have had a perception of the nonmaterial world, the spiritual world. A real world that lies beyond the visible, the audible, the attainable. And yet, I was drawn to penetrate it.
My ideology is vast and multi-layered. I received a fairly broad legacy from my family: on one side I have a humanist father who was open to esotericism in his youth, and on the other side, the example of a devout mother, committed to her traditional Catholic religion. And this crucible permeated my memories. It crystalized into a conception that, in spite of Catholic mysticism, advocates to glimpse and understand the meeting point between current philosophical, religious, and theological beliefs that are honest.
Expanding the awareness not only that there is a realm beyond, but that it is urgent to resume its search and walk its path to understand the existential foundation of the modern man, and reconcile him with his history. To find solutions that truly bring us closer to each other, without any more division or war.
Soaked in individual and collective memories of this being of ours — that is each and every one of us — that lives fragmented and torn: he senses his insignificance and dies of thirst, sick with a burning need to quench this thirst with living waters. Truly living.
There are many paths, but only one language, and that language always is, has always been and always will be LOVE.
And Love becomes fiery, and in my case, trinitarian, the more one knows it.